Tulsa police say that the new laws will prevent registrants from living in the entire city of Tulsa.
The law affects the entire state [1:35].
Tulsa police say that the new laws will prevent registrants from living in the entire city of Tulsa.
The law affects the entire state [1:35].
Looks like Oklahoma (where the winds comes sweepin’ down the plains) has some some internal opposition to the law coming up to be implemented
Oklahoma of all places where licenses are marked for registrants. Comments on this page are interesting too.
There have to be repercussions for legislatures that make terrible laws. Our system cannot continue to be abused like this, all in an effort to get re-elected. And that’s all this is. You can’t say that it’s all for public safety when those explicitly in charge of public safety say this will result in the opposite effect, especially when there’s real data to back it up. I firmly believe legislature need to provide impractical evidence along side whatever law they want to introduce when it comes to directly effecting individuals like this.
I see a few potential problems with what they’re doing.
First, they outright admit they’re effectively imposing a city-wide banishment. See you in court on that one, Tulsa.
Second, it would seem the public–or at least a RC affected by the law–should have access to the data the city is using to determine where I may live (either freely or by a FOIA). That means they will be giving away where victims of sex offenses live. Ooops, I’m guessing the victims may not be so happy about that. And if the city refuses to release it, it may be a case of see you in court, Tulsa. Without being able to see the data used, how can I be sure I’m not being indiscriminately targeted and lied to?
Third, according to the reporter at the end of the story, it only applies to RCs who move in, the others are grandfathered. Umm, that would seem to be an Equal Protection violation. See you in court on that one, too, Tulsa.
The reporter and Sgt she spoke with got the new law wrong – it mostly referred to loitering, not residence. The error was probably deliberate to make a more compelling story. More exciting than “New SO loitering ban; no real change.”
Cops complaining about being overworked is nothing new either. Would like to see a reporter ask what specific value the registry has and watch him dance around the notion the it would be so much more dangerous without it.
This is unfortunate for now, but in the long run it will be good because these dirty politicians harassing and persecuting people on the registry can only go so far before it explodes. Here you have law enforcement saying this is terrible. Once again, as we see all across the country: the registry is a dismal failure and makes the situation worse. The only ones that need to know are LE on a private data base, and I doubt they really even need to know once a person is off probation. People convicted of most all other crimes reoffend at a much higher rate.
Once I was a snowflake❄. Now I’m a rattlesnake! 🐍 I feel special! 😊
The new law says an RSO can’t live within 500 feet of any victim of a sex crime. Any victim of any sex crime ….. from any time? Even an unreported sex crime from decades ago?? Hmmm. Vague at best. And it’s a true act of kindness that Mr. LEO is trying to save the dumbass lawmakers from their ignorant selves! Good luck to him!
My colleague has a saying that he coined over a decade ago: “The purpose of all sex offender legislation is to return all sex offenders, no matter the level or date of their offense, to prison for the rest of their life.” Pretty much sums up this sequence in Tulsa.
Yesterday, I made a comment that (I believed) was polite yet contradictory and today it has been removed. So much for freedom of speech?
BTW here was my post:
The police and the public knowing where they are doesn’t make people safer but better access to stable housing, employment, and services could. The analogy of rattlesnakes coiled to strike is an ignorant one and in-line with bogus fear mongering.
If people are continually shamed and punished despite changing, then what does that teach people about owning their mistakes and evolving into a better person?
Don’t want RSOs living in your city? Abolish the registry. There will immediately be zero RSOs living in your city.
So I just got done reading this and it has a 2000 foot residency restriction for all RC’s. That’s absolutely ridiculous it includes day cares and a hools and parks
So the whole city will be off limits.